The story behind Sweets Cooking

Original Danish experience

Denmark is among the happiest and most candy-eating countries in the world. Everyone has a relationship with sweets, whether it's mix-yourself-sweets on Friday night, a sudden urge for liquorice or the fight against the temptations at the supermarket.
Every Dane eats no less than 8 kilos sweets a year – but what sweets? Sweets Cooking challenges the view of sweets and wants to create an experience and higher quality around sweets.
To make it yourself
It all started on a Saturday, where something fun was to be done with the children. Children enjoy being in the kitchen and love sweets – two things we hoped could be combined.
The Internet offered countless recipes and different approaches on how to make sweets. Without any special knowledge or experience, we took a chance and chose a recipe. The ingredients were a challenge to find and hardly anything could be found at the local supermarket. Other ingredients had to be bought in large quantities, which meant that we would end up with raw ingredients that would be difficult to use afterwards.
So that Saturday we didn't get to make any homemade candy, but that's where an idea began…
Everyone must succeed
We love being creative in the kitchen, especially with family or friends. Making your own sweets, however, requires several attempts, some better than others.
That is why we, together with leading dessert chefs and professionals, have developed our own version of homemade sweets. We have among others enlisted the help of dessert chef and confectioner Ronnie Holmen, who since his early days at La Glace in Copenhagen has worked at the highest level of desserts and sweets. He has won championship titles – and on several occasions has been featured on Danish television as a judge on MasterChef and Sukkertoppen.
The goal has been to make it easy for everyone, using the best ingredients and natural flavors and colors. The pleasure is built into the experience and it creates a more honest experience in the mouth.
Everyone must succeed.
Quality before quantity
We are based on Danish values and Danish quality and have therefore chosen the best raw ingredients and materials – from packaging to individual elements.
FSC certified packaging, developed as a permanent object. Can be reused for storage or decoration.
- Food-approved utensils, so safety is paramount.
- Measured portion bags with raw ingredients to reduce waste.
Eat fewer, but better sweets.
An extra dimension
There was something missing that could complete the experience and create extra fun around the sweets experience.
With "The Sweet Stealing Game" you can play with and about the candy.
With references to classics such as Ludo, and with bets where everything can be lost or won, a simple game has been created that entertains both big and small.
The game is designed so that your creativity can make new rules – only your imagination sets limits.
Easy, simple, and fun.
Sweets Cooking 2019
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